8 foods that will help you last longer in bed!

Men have always been anxious about their performance in bed as it has got to do with female satisfaction along with their own confidence.
For men, their performance is directly proportional to their manhood and any dysfunction in sexual life ruins their confidence and makes them frustrated and depressed.
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common issues faced by men.
Premature ejaculation is when men are not able to hold the erection for long and ejaculates too quickly; sometimes even before the intercourse.
For some men, the issue can be psychological while for others it can be biological. It has also been observed that few instances of premature ejaculation are temporary/ situational while for others it can be a serious underlying issue.
Premature ejaculation is caused due to excessive anxiety, hormonal imbalance, and depression. Most of the cases can be resolved with help of proper techniques and therapies.
You can also combine your treatment with these 8 foods which will help in staying longer in bed.
You simply need to crush the seeds, mix it with water and drink thrice a day before meals. Even white onions can help in premature ejaculation and strengthen reproductive organs.
The herb is helpful in enhancing the sexual desire in men and also boosts mental health. It helps men to prolong the intercourse and have a control on their ejaculation. Ashwagandha is known for enhancing the stamina in men and effectively treat erectile dysfunction.
Ginger is known to heat up the body and lead to faster blood flow and hence it helps in holding the erection for long. Honey is known for its aphrodisiac effect which when combined with ginger makes for a great remedy to enhance potency in men. Mix half teaspoon of honey with ginger and consume each night before bedtime.
The cloves of garlic are packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It enhances the blood circulation and heat in the body which helps in copulation. You can either chew the garlic cloves or fry them with ghee and consume each morning on empty stomach.
Boil the roots of the plant in milk and consume it twice a day. It will help in boosting control over penile muscles.
Ladyfinger can be consumed in several ways. You can either consume it in form of veggie or take it in powder form. Just consume it on a regular basis for optimum benefit.
Carrots boost your sexual desire which helps in controlling the ejaculation. Boiled carrot can be consumed with egg and honey for best results.
Consume a diet rich in selenium, Zinc, Iron and Calcium for better strength.
These food items can help along with your therapies and medications in fighting premature ejaculation.
Home remedies have no side effects and cure the ailments naturally.
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It is said that the seeds of Green onion work as Aphrodisiac which helps in reducing the instances of premature ejaculation. The seeds help in increasing the stamina in men and allow him to carry the sexual activity for a prolonged duration.
Ashwagandha is an Indian herb which has been revered for its medicinal use. It is considered as an effective remedy to treat sexual problems in men.
Consumption of Ginger is found to be effective in increasing the blood flow in our body and it improves the circulation of blood in penile muscles as well. It helps men in practicing great control over ejaculation.
Garlic is yet another spice with aphrodisiac properties which help in fighting the premature ejaculation and elongates the duration of intercourse.
Asparagus is also known for its medicinal properties. The roots of the plant benefit greatly in treating premature ejaculation.
Ladyfinger which is also known as okra in some parts has been found to be an effective remedy for premature ejaculation.
Carrots are hands down our favorite item in a salad but did you know that carrot can also help in treating premature ejaculation.
Apart from the Dos one also needs to have a check on the Don’ts. Stop consuming foods like chilies, chocolates along with caffeinated beverages to combat sexual dysfunction.