Benefits Of Sex

Sex is considered as the most common natural activity among all the living organisms including humans. We all are aware of what sex is, and what role it plays in our life. Despite all the awareness, we are still away from its means. It is something which we all should be aware of, but despite everything we know still there is a hesitation in us.
Sex plays a vital role in our life, as we see in each and every organism it is very common. The natural fact about it is that it means for reproduction. Meanwhile we humans do not consider this activity only for reproduction. For humans, it is having many other opinions, some of which are love, lust, desire, attraction and a need. It has a great impact on human life. Sex has many benefits related to human life. It helps to keep our immune system humming. Some of the researchers tell us that people having regular sex are more defensive towards viruses, germs, and other pathogens. It is because people having sex develops a higher level of antibodies. It also boosts our Libido.
Sex is also a great remedy for people having high blood pressure, as it lowers the blood pressure and provides relaxation and removes stress. It is also a great exercise. It is a workout along with a great pleasure. Experts say that a normal sexual intercourse burns about five calories in a minute. It uses many muscles of our body and also increases heart beat. Hence it is a good exercise. A great benefit of sex is that it reduces the risk of heart attack. It keeps the level of estrogens and testosterone controlled.
Sex is also great for weight control as it maintains the appetite and burns a lot of calories immediately. When a person experiences orgasm, it reduces the chance of getting cough and cold. Sex boosts the immune system also. it saturates blood and purifies it regularly. As the supply of oxygen is improved because of it. Regular sex also helps to remove stress, as it gives everything; it provides joy, pleasure, relaxation, and satisfaction.