Reasons you should have a Prostate Massage.

Prostate gland serves an important function in men’s sexual health. It is a walnut-sized organ which is located between the bladder and rectum in a man’s body. The main function of the prostate gland is to produce a fluid which is expelled along with semen when a man ejaculates. Prostate issues start cropping up in most of the men after the age of 50. Enlargement of prostate, inflammation, and prostate cancers are common issues related to prostate health. It has been said that one of the common types of cancers that happen in men is Prostate cancer.
Though there is no significant information about it some men have reported to have experienced amazing prostate orgasm as well. It is also identified as male G-spot. There was a time when prostate massagers were considered as toys used only by gay or kinky men, but with the passage of time they have become mainstream. It has been reported that the sale of prostate massagers have increased by 56% in last 5 years. The buyers have been reported to be straight men over the age of 45 years.
It has also come to notice that some Doctors are increasingly encouraging men to opt for prostate massage to help alleviate the signs of several health issues. The massage can be done on their own or with help of licensed practitioner.
Here are 4 potential benefits of prostate massage as suggested by Doctors:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Urine flow
- Pain while ejaculation
- Prostatitis