Difference between Male and Female Viagra

Satisfying the sexual desire in men and women becomes intricate sometimes. That is when the renowned options to “make it happen” comes into play. There are a lot more options than one can imagine to boost the sexual buds inside the body. From all of it, Viagra is one of the preeminent options to choose. These sex-boosting pills are helping people to give their best in bed for years. Moreover, there are numerous differences between male and female Viagra. Male Viagra is for the men that suffer Erectile Dysfunction (ED). And, female Viagra arouses the sexual desires in women. One should not consume these tablets without taking assistance from a sex specialist.

Some women lack sexual desires in their life. It is mostly in women suffering from a decrease in libido. They do not like to engage in sexual communication with their partner. But, for men, it is somewhat different. A number of men suffer from Erectile Dysfunction problem, which decreases the power of penis erection. Male Viagra boosts the erection and helps in keeping it for a while as well. Female Viagra is known by the name Addyi in the market, and male Viagra is known by its original name Viagra. The female Viagra Addyi treats Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder or HSDD, which is a female dysfunction.
Let us talk about the differences between Male & Female Viagra here:
Different Consumption Procedure
Both the male and female Viagra have their effects on the body. Men have to take the pill about an hour before the lovemaking performance. After half an hour of taking medicine, men experience fine erection in the penis that lasts for longer than usual. It not only arouses sexual desires but also keeps it erected for long. On the other hand, women can take female Viagra daily. Women take this medicine to arouse the sexual desire for a long run, whereas men take this pill on an as-needed basis. Men achieve an erection within 30 minutes of taking the pill, while women have to arouse sexual desires in their mind.

Difference in Side Effects
Male Viagra and Female Viagra produce different side effects on the human body. Besides, some ill effects of both the pills are the same. The most common side effect of both the pill is drowsiness. A person might feel sleepy after taking medicine. That is the reason one should not combine Viagra of any type with alcohol. In some cases, women fainted after taking the pill. It is because the pill affects the mind and not the vaginal area.
The most common side effect of male Viagra is that it decreases blood pressure. Consumption of more than one pill at the same time may lead to severe health-related dilemmas. Disturbed or speedy heartbeat is one of the symptoms that ask for medical help immediately. If in case you have already consumed more than the prescribed pill, then make sure to contact an infamous sex specialist for sure. Some other side effects of male Viagra are as follows:
- Priapism
- Blurry Vision

- Heart Issues
- Back or Muscular Pain

The Color
You can quickly identify the pill according to its color. Pink is for women and blue is for men. It might be the primary difference, but it matters. The medicine men take for erection is blue, while the medicine women take to keep their sexual desires active is pink. It is one of the most significant points, which differentiate both these medicines.
Effects Different Parts of the Body
Male Viagra boosts the flow of blood to the penis, which results in an erection. Men who have Erectile Dysfunction use to take this medicine to increase the blood flow. Alternatively, female Viagra works as an antidepressant. It arouses the sexual desires in women if taken on a daily basis. After 30 minutes of taking Viagra, men experience an erection in the penis. But, Addyi makes women interested in sex all over again.
The Success Ratio
All that matters is the number that defines success ratio for both the medicines. And, Viagra to men works far better than Addyi does to women. Viagra is in this world for years, whereas Addyi is new to the market. The number of years has made a huge difference over the success rate of Viagra, and the same will happen to female Viagra. According to the survey, a number of happy men after taking the sex-arousing pill is more when compared to the women.

The Bottom Line
There you have it! These top factors differentiate male and female Viagra. No matter both these pills are easily available in the market, still, the professional prescription is a must.